



The easiest way to learn a language with flashcards

Start learning a new language

Tired of creating flashcards for learning a foreign language? Use our app to quickly generate flashcards and download them to use with Anki!

Instant Flashcard generation

Sign up with your Gmail account and subscribe to get 100 flashcards per day in 7 languages

Download the flashcards in a format supported by Anki

Download the flashcards in a format supported by Anki

Download the flashcards in a format supported by Anki

Download the flashcards and import them into Anki and they'll be ready to go. Just like that.


How many flashcards can I generate?

Which languages are supported?

Can I get a refund?

Is there a free version?

How many flashcards can I generate?

Which languages are supported?

Can I get a refund?

Is there a free version?